Monday, January 26, 2009

White stork

Not much going on today. I'm feeling a little better from the foam fighting. Stuart and I nearly have the new game ready and I'm well over halfway through the boxes. 

Goal for the week 20hrs
sanding boxes still


The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) in mythology often seems to be associated with a punishment. In Greek mythology Gerana an AEthiope was transformed into a stork by Hera as a punishment. Gerana as a stork is also responsible for the the first image of a stork carrying a baby as she attempted  to steal back her child Mopsus after her transformation. In a Polish story the Christian god decided to kill reptiles and amphibians by drowning them in the ocean in a sack this task was entrusted to a man that failed and opened the sack releasing the reptiles and amphibians. The Christian god punished this man by turning him into a stork and sending him to prey on these animals.  Also in a Polish myth the Christian god punished the stork for pride by removing the storks brightly colored plumage and dooming him to wander between two homes that the stork would eternally long for. The white stork has many other associations besides punishment in mythology. The stork may have been associated with a few gods such as the Norse god Hoenir one of the creators of humanity, Venus the Roman goddess of love, and the Germanic god of thunder Donar. In Bulgaria the stork is heavily involved in a spring rite, on the first of March during "Chestita Baba Marta" people give each other martenitsas (small red and white tassles) when the first stork is seen the martenitsa is thrown at the stork to bring health. In Britain the first stork seen is believed to be good luck if seen in flight, but bad luck if seen on the ground. In Germany is believed that it is tremendously good luck to have stork nest on ones house. Also from Germany was the idea that the souls of the unborn reside in watery places that storks tend to frequent, and that these soul arrive in a village with the storks when they come during their migration. This may have led to the well-known Victorian storks bringing babies myth. 

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