Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Red tailed black cockatoo

Running short on time today.

goal for the week 19hrs
get the con mailed off
sand boxes


rerun from livejournal
Today a sort of death-rock bird, The red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) is one of five very similar subspecies of black cockatoos found throughout Australia. If you can imagine this cockatoo dancing/displaying in the manner other cockatoos do I think it completes the death-rock image. If you have never seen a cockatoo dance/display you should meet more cockatoos. The Southwestern subspecies known as the Karak for the noise it makes, is quite endangered but the others are doing alright. They are reasonably sexually dimorphic males are glossy and black and females have some spots. In the Arnhem Land the black cockatoo was the wife of crow and they both became birds to avoid being buried. According to the Tiwi they accompany the dead to the afterlife.

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