Art goal for the week 12.75 hours
sanding still
The pygmy slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) is a rare prosimian primate that inhabits Vietnam, Laos, China and Cambodia. Slow lories have glands on their elbows, the sebaceous gland, that produces a substance that when mixed with saliva becomes poisonous. When threatened they tend to poison their teeth before biting. They have long canine teeth that help to deliver the poison and their smaller front teeth slope backward in such a way to conduct the saliva along the canines. They will also coat their young in poisonous saliva when they are unattended to protect them from predators. They can also emit a foul smelling substance when threatened. This species of slow loris is a nocturnal omnivore that seems to have a preference for gums (plant juices). Their hands and feet have a muscle and blood vessel set up that allow them to maintain a ridged grip for long periods of time somewhat effortlessly. They were fairly endangered during the Vietnam war due to the tremendous habitat destruction, but they have recovered somewhat since then and there are thought to be around 70,000 of them in existence.